Tax Investigation Cover

K&D Accountancy can act as your defense team in any tax investigation and ensure that you always stay protected.

Cover from all

Tax investigation insurance is essential for any business, but it’s not just about the money. An open enquiry or court case may damage your reputation and disrupt your business. More than 80% of tax inquiries are now initiated by HMRC using a database called “Connect.” The system gathers information from 30 sources to identify details that might be relevant to an inquiry. When we represent you, we’ll question any aspects of the investigation that seem unfair.

We cover the

Employee Compliance Disputes

HMRC VAT Disputes

Pension Auto Enrolment Return Enquiries

PAYE & VAT Compliance Visit Cover

Income Tax Self-Assessment Returns


"Knowing that I'm
cover following an Investigation, gives me peace of mind" - Eyup

Director Canvas Collective Ltd

We communicate directly
with Companies House

A response to the HMRC investigation on your behalf.

Prepare your case and provide the best defence.

Protect your interests and suggest the best solution.